Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Christmas in Seattle

We were home in Seattle last week for the holidays. Time went by way too fast, but we had a fun visit and can't wait to go back (hopefully this summer). Here are some photos of family, friends and a really cool park.

Ballard and the Olympics

With my parents at the new Fremont Peak Park (which my parents helped landscape)

Christmas Eve with the Thomas clan

Christmas Day at my parent's house

My cousins brought their Nintendo Wii with them and let us try it out. (Note: Ethan and I were hooked. Stay tuned!)

Party at Cara and Ben's with some SPU friends

Happy Hour at good old Bernard's with Ethan's former co-workers.

Dinner at Madame K's with the boys- always a good time, always excellent food.

The following photos were taken at the Seattle Art Museums's Olympic Sculpture Park. It's a brand new park on the Seattle Waterfront that includes outdoor sculptures, a man-made beach, a nurse log living indoors, and a great view of the Sound.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SO good to see you guys - we will be planning a NY trip soon!!! Also, we are honored to be part of the blog! ;-) XO -Luke