Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hollywood comes to Brooklyn

My friend, Sarah and I were heading out for our weekly walk around the park when she told me about something curious happening in our 'hood. On 7th Ave and 9th St (two blocks away from our apt), the street is lined with big, white trailers. We walked by and found out that a big-time movie is being filmed in Park Slope (they were shooting subway scenes yesterday).
The movie is called "Julie & Julia" directed by Nora Ephron (who also wrote Sleepless in Seattle and Harry Met Sally). Meryl Streep and Amy Adams star in this movie based on a memoir by Julia Child and a memoir by Julie Powell, a New Yorker who wrote about cooking all 500+ recipes in a Julia Child cookbook in one year. I figure it must be a good one if Meryl Streep is involved.

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