Sunday, November 04, 2007

NYC Marathon

It was Marathon weekend in NYC! On Saturday, the Men's US Team Olympic Trials were held at Central Park (I think they did 5 loops around the park). On Sunday, the world famous New York City Marathon took place. 38,000 participants ran on a course that began on Staten Island, went through all five boroughs and ended at Tavern on the Green in Central Park. The Mile 7 mark went right through our neighborhood, so we walked a few blocks down to 4th Avenue and watched for about an hour. We got there just in time to see the elite men run by. They are so fast! It was amazing to watch people who are truly gifted in their sport. It was also inspiring to see all the "regular runners", those who have been training for months and putting in lots of hard work. We were on the lookout for a few people-- Seamus, one of Ethan's coworkers and Lane, a guy Ethan knows from grad school were running. It was hard to find them in the sea of runners, but we managed to spot Lane.

I have never been a huge fan of running, but there's something about actually seeing a marathon in person that makes you want to do it. There were people from all over the world in the race. The crowds were cheering the runners on and supporting them in their challenge. It was so cool. Ethan wants to run it next year and thinks that if I stay motivated, I can do it too. We'll see about that. (26.2 miles is a long way for someone who can barely run 3!)

The guy in the blue shirt/red shorts is Martin Lel from Kenya, the winner of the marathon. The guy in the neon shirt came in third.

So many people!

Free bananas to folks who need energizing!

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