Last night, I voted for the first time as a New York State citizen. Since I voted absentee throughout most of my voting years, a trip to the polling center is very unfamiliar. My friend Sarah (who moved from Seattle to Brooklyn with her fiance) lives a block away from us, so we decided to go embark on this adventure together. We walked down the street to P.S. 107 and entered the lunch room polling center. It was like stepping back in time. The voting machines were the lever kind with the black privacy curtain. I pulled back the curtain and found myself looking at lots of little switches and a big red lever. I had never used one of these before and when I asked the nice old man at the table how to use it, he looked at me like I was crazy. I told him I had never voted using this kind of machine and I needed help. He told me what to do and I cast my vote. While I was voting, I could hear him say, "That young lady just asked me how to use the machine! No one has ever asked me that!" I was the strange one in the room last night. People have said those machines were used in the rest of the country as far back as the 60's! For some reason, New York hasn't caught up with the latest voting technology....maybe next time.